Please take note of my specific hours for this day. Read below:
Art-A-Whirl 2022 will take place May 20, 21 and 22, 2022 in the Minneapolis Artists district of NE Mpls.
Please take note that studio 203 will be open for the hours of 12-4 and 5-8 on Saturday May 21st.
I do not have set hours for Friday the 20th and Sunday the 22nd, so Saturday the 21st is the best time to visit me. If you’re in the building on Friday or Saturday, please text me at 612-600-6781 - I’d be happy to visit with you!
I have many new paintings, drawings, prints, note cards, and more since Art-A-Whirl of two years ago, so I hope you’ll visit and enjoy the art.
Please visit for lots more information about Art-A-Whirl®